The world is in shambles. Confusion surrounds us. An utter mess - complete lack of order. An overwhelming vacuum wraps around us as we sink into overcrowded blank spaces. We wander around, confuse ourselves, lose ourselves. We spin in circles, emptying our thoughts, until we ourselves turn into chaos. We embrace the chaos, find sense in nonsense and harbour immensely creative potential.
We explore how we can counter the chaos artistically. We sample spectacular entropies and reclaim the space that is ours. We break out of the mess and turn the disarray into something constructive.
Let’s take the chaos into our hands.
Let’s dance in the hullabaloo.
Let’s be chaotic.

The Festival Centre is the heart of the festival! This is where visitors can relax between performances, get into conversation and exchange ideas about the festival and the productions with the artists, the festival team or other festival visitors over a drink.
You are very welcome!

The ARENA team has once again put together a varied additional programme for you. Visit our Yoga and Contact Improvisation workshops or take part in one of our artists' courses! Meet new people, discover hidden talents and let yourself be inspired by the artistic atmosphere of the ARENA Festival. You can find all the information here.

Bestell dir jetzt unser einzigartiges Festival-Merchandise im unverwechselbaren Design von Belén Nicole Otto Ruiz! Jeder Artikel ist exklusiv im Look des diesjährigen Festivals und lässt dich das besondere Flair des ARENA hautnah spüren. Und das Beste: Mit jeder Bestellung unterstützt du uns dabei, das gemeinnützige Festival auch in Zukunft möglich zu machen. Zeige deine Verbundenheit zur Kunst und zu ARENA.


Dr. Florian Janik
Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Erlangen

Anke Steinert-Neuwirth
Referentin für Kultur, Bildung und Freizeit

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Hornegger
Präsident der FAU