Festival Centre


Bar im Festivalzentrum mit drei lächelnden Menschen

The Festival Centre is the heart of the festival! This is where visitors can relax between performances, get into conversation and exchange ideas about the festival and the productions with the artists, the festival team or other festival visitors over a drink.

Immerse yourself with us for a week in another world full of colourful and crazy performances! Let yourself be inspired by artists from all over the world and make new contacts with like-minded people. Eat and drink, celebrate with us, visit our social program and become a part of our ARENA family for a few days...

The festival center is located in the Altstadtmarktpassage – Hauptstraße 55 – in the middle of Erlangen's old town.

You are very welcome!


In the festival centre, two artists will present their works in an exhibition curated especially for the ARENA Festival. Belén Nicole Otto Ruiz and Hannes Hochmuth aka Dachs are both originally from Erlangen and are currently studying at universities in Dresden and Berlin. The exhibition is open during the festival from 10 am to 5 pm.

– Free admission –

Gemälde ENTZWEI zeigt zwei Gesichter aus Öl, Acryl und Kohle auf Leinwand von Belén Nicole Otto Ruiz.
Gemälde von Künstler Dachs - Person Namens Thierry

Events at the Festival Centre

Opening Concert with Compadre
21.06. — 20 Uhr → Festivalzentrum
Contact Improvisation
22.06. — 14:30 Uhr → Festivalzentrum
Tok Tokk Aggar - Welt aus festem Wasser
22.06. — 6 p.m. → Festival Centre
Movie night: 1001 Nights Apart
22.06. — 21 Uhr → Festivalzentrum
Workshop: Tok Tokk Aggar
23.06. — 13 Uhr → Festivalzentrum
Art Dialogue
23.06. — 17 Uhr → Festivalzentrum
Morning Flow Yoga
24.06. — 10 Uhr → Festivalzentrum
24.06. — 7 p.m. → Festival Centre
ARENA Party: Tanz im Tohuwabohu
24.06. — 21 Uhr → Festivalzentrum
25.06. — 10 Uhr → Festivalzentrum
25.06. — 11:30 Uhr → Festivalzentrum
Award Ceremony 2023
23.06. — 13 Uhr → Festivalzentrum