Zum offenen Herzen

Friday 21.06.

A voucher for a free drink leads three strangers to the bar ‘Zum offenen Herzen’. There they are told the barkeeper's tragic lesbian love story, as she has lost her own voice. Marina relives her own past through the guests: Marina meets Sonja, they fall in love, but in 1920 in Russia it is impossible to live out their love in public. Marina has to watch her story again and again to confirm to herself that her love must always die. In the bar, the three guests embark on a journey into the past, encounter moments of hopelessness and lose themselves in the belief that love is the basis of their existence.


Rosa Rieck








Direction: Rosa Rieck
Dramaturgy: Clara Schiltenwolf
Stage design: Pauli Immig
Costume/Mape Up: Lilja Schreiber
Music: Klarissa Kühnapfel
Assistant Director: Daphne Schütze, Tami Oschlies
TL: Robert Dahlke

Franca Burandt
Lisette Holdack
Cecilia De La Jara
Alida Stricker
Klarissa Kühnapfel

Supported by?

Supported by the Equal Opportunities Officer of the HfS Berlin and the UdK Berlin, as well as the Fachschaftsrat Darstellende Künste of the UdK Berlin.

Special thanks go to the theatre sculpture course at the HfBK Dresden for the make-up.

Funded as part of the federal programme ‘Demokratie leben!’ of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. This publication does not represent an opinion of the BMFSFJ or the BAFzA. The authors are responsible for the content of their statements.