‘Inbetween Cakes’ is a powerful dance piece that explores the relationship between femininity and power. The performances parody typical male movement patterns and at the same time expose themselves to the ‘male gaze’ without submitting. The piece illuminates the secrets and abysses of those in power and calls for those who have too much of everything to be called to account.
The driving music, which alternates between ecstatic drum solos, the tinkling of gentle bells and menacing bass, and the physical performances create a captivating atmosphere that is an urgent call to action. ‘Inbetween Cakes’ is a powerful reminder that our time has come to overthrow the powerful and build a more just world.
Mensa Langemarckplatz
By and width: unbaked collective (Laura Louise van Meurs,
Viviane Hamm, Daniel Ismaili)
Performance: Laura Louise van Meurs, Viviane Hamm
Music: Daniel Ismaili
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