22. — 26.06. ⸻ 2022 → Erlangen

Friday 24.06.

Vor Sonnenaufgang


Sophie Blomen, Vera Moré and Max Reiniger



»Vor Sonnenaufgang« (Before Sunrise) deals with alcoholism and the consequences that arise from it for relatives and sufferers. As an impulse, the work of the same name by Gerhart Hauptmann is linked critically, feministically and personally with the present and in doing so moves a father-daughter relationship into the centre.

At the core of the story lies a father-daughter relationship marked by love, pain and absurdities, as well as the dependencies that arise from them. It's about the need for self-determination and experiencing it in the process of telling one's own story.

By and with: Sophie Blomen, Vera Moré and Max Reiniger

Dramaturgy: Leona Koldehoff

Stage and costume design: Kristina Schmidt

Supported by: Landschaftsverband Hildesheim, Heinrich Dammann Foundation, Friedrich Foundation, Friedrich Weinhagen Foundation, StuPa University of Hildesheim, BürgerStiftung Hildesheim, Studentenwerk OstNiedersachsen, Regionalrat Hildesheim, Landesverband Freie Theater in Niedersachsen e.V.

Language: German
Origin: Germany